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Download evaluation version

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Linux logo Evaluate Merge 2.5 (Linux) - Debian version 2.5 build 205(13512 KB)
Linux logo Evaluate Merge 2.5 (Linux) - RPM version 2.5 build 205(13518 KB)
Linux logo Evaluate ECMerge 2.5 (Linux) - Archive version 2.5 build 205(12353 KB)
Apple logo Evaluate ECMerge 2.5 (MacOS X PPC) version 2.5 build 205(16276 KB)
Apple logo Evaluate ECMerge 2.5 (MacOS X x86) version 2.5 build 205(16886 KB)
Solaris logo Evaluate ECMerge 2.5 (Solaris) version 2.5 build 196(13643 KB)
Windows logo Evaluate ECMerge 2.5 (Windows) version 2.5 build 207(9330 KB)
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How to install


To install the software,

  • on Windows, double-click on the file you just downloaded and follow the instructions on the screen. You can choose the language during installation
  • on Linux, install the Debian or RPM package, or expand the downloaded archive using the following command line:
    tar -Pxvjf ecmerge.XXX.linux.x86.tbz.
  • on Solaris, expand the downloaded file using : bunzip2 ecmerge-XXX.solaris.x86.pkg.bz2
    then install as root with : pkgadd -d ecmerge-XXX.solaris.x86.pkg.
  • on Mac OS X, double click the .dmg file which opens as an archive, you can run ECMerge from there or install it by dragging the ECMerge application onto the Applications link included in the .dmg file.
  • for all the platforms, you can change the language of ECMerge after installation in the Preferences... dialog box.
  • more installation topics: portable installation, installation without super user/administrator rights
You can now use the program for your 30 days of full evaluation as you wish.