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How to compare Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF documents?

Creation date
Thursday, June 1, 2006
Last updated
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Number of times viewed

There is nothing specific to do, you don't have to install additional software.

ECMerge is pre-configured to use its internal text converter which will first convert RTF, OpenOffice or MS Word documents to text and allow you to compare the text of those files.

Versions before 2.3:

Here below are several converters settings you can use to convert Microsoft Word or RTF document and compare them. You can define your own converters using third-party software.

Note that some elements of Microsoft Word files, such as images or graphs, cannot be converted to text.

Using wvWare

Name MS-Word to TXT
Pattern *.doc

C:\Program Files\Ellié Computing\Merge\converters\wordtotext.bat
(your location may be different)

Arguments $(input) $(output)


Name MS-Word to HTML
Pattern *.doc

C:\Program Files\Ellié Computing\Merge\converters\wordtohtml.bat
(your location may be different)

Arguments $(input) $(output)

The C:\Program Files\Ellié Computing\Merge\converters\wordtotext.bat and C:\Program Files\Ellié Computing\Merge\converters\wordtohtml.bat batches assume that you installed wvWare in C:\Program Files. If you wish to install it in another location, you can update these batches.


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See also

Category:Software Features and Usage
Platform:Windows (All)