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Can I compare XML-based files with Ellié Computing Merge?

Creation date
Monday, November 13, 2006
Last updated
Monday, November 13, 2006
Number of times viewed

Ellié Computing Merge does not have a native XML diff/merge algorithm.

Nevertheless, it is delivered with a built-in XML converter to pretty print XML-based files at loading, and compact them at saving time.
You can adjust the XML Converter options from the Application/Document options dialog box, "XML Text Comparisons" section.
More infos about XML Converters options.

The Text Comparison algorithm with in-line differences and merging capabilites gives good results in most common situations.

When viewing/editing an XML-based file, you can pretty print it with the Edit/Formatting/Pretty-print... menu item (Ctrl+Shift+X).

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See also

Category:Software Features and Usage