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On Linux 64 bits, ecmerge prints "/opt/elliecomputing/ecmerge/guimerge: relocation error: /opt/elliecomputing/ecmerge/guimerge: undefined symbol: g_atomic_int_add"

Creation date
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Last updated
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Number of times viewed

ECMerge is built as a 32 bit executable for Linux, it means that on 64 bits Linux you need the 32 bits proxies for 64 libraries, in particular those of GLIB and GTK.

When those proxies are not installed, the following message appears (when launching from command line):

/opt/elliecomputing/ecmerge/guimerge: relocation error: /opt/elliecomputing/ecmerge/guimerge: undefined symbol: g_atomic_int_add

On Debian based Linux (Debian, CentOS, (K)Ubuntu...), use synaptic or apt-get and install the packages: ia32-libs, ia32-libs-gtk (needs 'universe' distrib).

On Fedora 64 bits, it seems that RPM packages are already installed (for IA32EL). Please submit a ticket, if you have a problem

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See also

Category:(Un)Installation Issues