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Bundling Ellié Computing Merge



Ellié Computing Merge is a powerful comparison and merge tool yet very affordable.

It has many advantages over its concurrents:

  • it comes as a command line, a standalone graphical interface and an ActiveX component
  • it is fully scriptable in ECMAScript (i.e. the same base as well-known JavaScript or ActionScript)
  • it is ported on many platforms
  • it has many command line arguments specifically desgined for bundling with zero installation of Ellié Computing Merge standalone: just copy Ellié Computing Merge files and it works.

Moreover, you buy what you use! Ellié Computing Merge is fully parametered through its licence key so that we can issue a specific licence key for you, this licence key constrains Ellié Computing Merge usage to what you buy... and allows us to sell you Ellié Computing Merge for as low as few US dollars per licence!
This mechanism works for whichever version you use (command line, GUI or ActiveX), platform and features (texts, images, folders, merging, reporting...).

If you think that getting a powerful differ / merger for less than the price that it would cost you just to build some opensource solution grabbed on the net:
send us an email at sales@elliecomputing.com. We will craft an offer exactly for your needs.