The workspaces are list of documents (files/folders,
automatic sessions and named sessions).
To select a workspace, double click it
When the application closes or when another workspace
is open, the current workspace is closed, saving the
current list of opened documents.
You can rename a workspace, by clicking on a
workspace name during a few seconds. You can also add or
remove workspaces.
The "sites" listed are created by yourself, these are
shortcuts to any folder with an arbitrary name of your
choice. You will generally want to list here the
roots of your web accounts, particularly
important local and network folders, the
SCC repositories you often use.
Right click on "Sites" to create a new site or use
the Customize/Sites/New Site menu.
Right clic on a Site to browse, modify or delete
Double-click on a site to open it again
You can drag'n'drop a site onto a comparison
empty panel or a source combobox field to start a
There is a specific sub-section called
Named which contains the list of last
ECM? file opened or saved.
Then comes a calendar based list of recently used
automatic sessions. Automatic sessions are saved each
time an unnamed comparison is closed.
A session with the same sources may appear
several time if you changed options in between.
Double-click on an item to open it again
You can delete sessions by pressing the Delete key,
you can also save them as Named sessions (.ecmt
Files & folders
This is a list of recently used files or folders,
sorted by date within calendar based sub-sections.
Double-click on an item to open it again
You can drag'n'drop such an item onto a comparison
empty panel or a source combobox field to start a