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merge silently if there is no error or conflict?



ECMerge has a specific option "--sip" (Silent If Possible) for the purpose of running silently unless there is a conflict.

In order to activate it you just have to call ECMerge that way:

  • On Unix based OS (Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X...)
    ecmerge --sip ancestor left right --to=result-file
    You can then test the return value of the process with variable $? if launched from a script or the result of the spawn / wait-like call.
  • On Windows, it depends in which condition you expect to use the result.
    • In a command file (.BAT or .CMD):
      start "ECMerge" /wait ecmerge --sip ancestor left right --to=result-file
      NB: this "start /wait" call is necessary else Windows won't wait for the result of ECMerge and always return 0 unless the process cannot be launched at all. You can study the %ERRORLEVEL% batch variable to know how ECMerge behaved.
    • Directly inside a CreateProcess call:
      path/to/ecmerge --sip ancestor left right --to=result-file
      You can study the result with GetExitCodeProcess using the handle returned in the PROCESS_INFORMATION object that you provided to CreateProcess.

In any case, ECMerge returns the following codes:

  • 0 : there is no conflict and no error, the result was saved as expected
  • 1 : there are conflicts that the user needed to solve in the UI and the user chose to dismiss the window without validating
  • -1: there is an error, this error is written to the standard output stream. Note that on Windows, ecmerge is a GUI process and thus cannot write to the standard output stream (because Windows closes those streams before ECMerge has any chance to write to them). You thus need to call "merge.exe" without --sip and same parameters otherwise to diagnose the problem