If you have a file within a format that ECMerge cannot deal
with directly, you need a converter.
Now that you determined which converter to use there are
three main cases:
ECMerge does not have any entry in Converters panel for
it: contact us we will make an entry for it.
The converter has an installer and places the converter
in a well defined place (on Linux, Mac and Solaris, probably
adding the executable in a predefined folder in the PATH
variable; on Windows, probably creating a registry entry): in
this case restarting ECMerge should be enough to detect it.
The converter is just in a ZIP or tgz file: place the
executable and its dependencies in
user-converters sub-folder of ECMerge
application directory (in Mac OS X, you'll have to "Show
package contents" in the Finder, the
user-converters folder is in
Contents/MacOS within the package).
So basically it should go very smoothly, if it is not the
case contact us, we are here to help!