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Installing on Linux



The installer comes in three flavours: a Debian package, a RPM and a compressed archive.

If you can use the Debian installer or the RPM on your Linux distribution, choose the appropriate package and use dpkg (Debian) or rpm (RPM) to install it. On most desktop distributions, simply double clicking the package from the explorer will prompt you whether to install.

Download the archive which matches your Linux version and expand it on your computer, in the root folder.
You need to have GTK+2.0 installed on your machine to launch Ellié Computing Merge. The default installation includes the version of libstdc++6 (compiled with G++ 4), libiconv 1.9.1 and libuuid that Ellié Computing Merge needs to work.

If you install on a 64 bits systems, please read the README.txt file. Basically you need to install ia32 (Intel Architecture 32 bits) related files, as ECMerge is delivered as a 32 bits executable.

If you want to upgrade libraries, please follow the instructions in README.txt file that you will find in the installation directory (/opt/elliecomputing/ecmerge).
Ellié Computing Merge uses xsltproc by default to generate HTML reports and comparison statistics. Nevertheless, you can use any other XSLT processor.

  • If you want ECMerge to be available to all users and have super user rights:

    Using the following command will install the soft:
    tar -Pxvjf ecmerge.linux.XXX.x86.tbz

    You can then run ECMerge from anywhere as " ecmerge" or " /opt/elliecomputing/ecmerge/guimerge"
  • If you do not have super user rights, desktop menus and icons for ECM files will not be available, ECMerge will be fully functional however:

    Use the following command to install:
    tar -xvjf  ecmerge.linux.XXX.x86.tbz

    You can then run ECMerge as " ~/opt/elliecomputing/ecmerge/guimerge"

The evaluation of Ellié Computing Merge requires a Serial Number to run permanently. You can evaluate it for free without a serial number. More infos.

There is no specific unattended installation under Linux as you can run the installation from script using tar, dpkg or rpm.

See also