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Report generation as XML/HTML



Report Title (optional)

Set the title that will be used in the HTML report (also stored in the XML report).

Display reports options

When you click this button, the dialog box for session options is shown, you can verify or alter the options and validate them before generating this report.

XML specific fields

XSL Style-sheet (optional): if you specify the path to a stylesheet here it will be applied to the XML once generated. This path can contain the following macro-strings:

  • $(app_path): path to Ellié Computing Merge application directory
  • $(language): current language locale code (such as: fr, en, de, es, it...)

XSL Result Extension: if omitted, .xml extension is appended to any temporary file name (e.g. for the preview mode). If your stylesheet outputs CSV, choosing .csv here will allow the preview code to run automatically your preferred CSV viewer.

Generate or copy art-work to sub-documents folder: if selected, icons and images are generated, else they are not. It is sometimes interesting to de-activate generation of art-work, in particular when the result of the XSL application is text oriented.

Folder Comparisons

You can select to generate the XML/HTML report of the folder on the whole document (ie all the files and folders displayed in the views), the selected items, or the bookmarked items.

XML and HTML can be exported to a file or to the clipboard, or generated to a temporary file and previewed (with the default application registered on the computer to handle .xml or .html files).

 Folders reports based on selection are not available from the command line.

Press F1 or click on the Help button while in this dialog box will show this topic.

See also