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Folder 3-way Merge Rules Options



 This section let you choose the default rules to apply when merging three directories. You can choose to mirror left, middle (ancestor) or right version (which will disable all the controls in this window) or to apply specific rules. You can also select remove the item, this option will remove all the items (those which are neither modified by hand to something else nor ignored).

When left or right version was changed since the ancestor but the other one is missing, you can:

  • keep the existing version,
  • remove the item,
  • let unresolved

When both left and right versions changed differently since the ancestor, and merge is not applicayou can:

  • remove the item,
  • keep oldest or most recent version,
  • keep the left/ancestor/right version,
  • let unresolved

When both versions exist, you can choose to:

  • use the standard 3-way merge algorithm if applicable,
  • keep oldest or most recent version,
  • keep the left/ancestor/right version,
  • remove the item,
  • let unresolved

When left or right items was added since ancestor (or both added and identical), you can:

  • keep the item,
  • remove the item

When left or right item was remove since ancestor (the other item being also removed or identical to the ancestor), you can:

  • keep the item,
  • remove the item

When all the versions exist and are identical, you can:

  • keep the item,
  • remove the item

When the item is missing from the left, ancestor and right views, but present in the result folder, you can:

  • ignore the item,
  • remove the item

See also