The command line to execute to launch a terminal running an
application. The application and its parameters being
%0 in the string to select or enter.
Default supported terminals are:
XTERM (xterm -e sh -c "%0")
GNOME (gnome-terminal -e "%0")
KDE (konsole -e sh -c "%0")
XSLT processor command line
Merge is pre-configured for xsltproc in Linux and
MSXSL on Windows. On Linux, however you may choose any XSLT
processor. You can enter in this field the command line for
another tool. The parameter are: $(xsl) $(input) and $(output)
as expected.
Web browser command line
The command line to execute to launch a web browser (to
display a local HTML file or visit a website). The
parameter is $(inputurl).
This command line is used if the one registered in the system
settings cannot be found or failed.
Default value is: mozilla
this panel is
available in the Linux version of Ellié Computing Merge