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System.Process object



Prototype for System.Process objects, derived from System.Synchronization.Waitable object.


Use the launch method to run a process.



Property Of


Implemented In

ECMerge 2.1


System.Process allows execution, both synchronously and asynchronously, of a command line. It allows also input/output redirection as well as exit code checking...
Such an object can be used as a synchronization object, that is you can use the wait function on it.


Property Description

Error object or undefined. In case of success of the execution this property is undefined, else it contains an Error object. Here 'success of the execution' must be understood as simply being able to run the program (there is no expectation relatively to the program result itself).

[Currently available only on Windows platform]



launch (static method)
(see methods of System.Synchronization.Waitable object)

See Also

 System.Synchronization.Waitable object



function launch (command_line, context)
returns a System.Process when using the asynchronous version, else undefined.


command_line. String. Program to execute with its arguments.
context. Object. This simple object (created with 'new Object' for example) contains various members which parameter how the command line should be run. It can be ommitted, in which case it is interpreted as an object object as defined by 'new Object'.

Properties of the "context" parameter

Property Description
 asynchronous If defined and true, the process is launched asynchronously
redirections.input If defined, the process input is redirected to the value found there. If the value is a URL the file is loaded and provided binarily as input, if the value is a string, it is a provided to the process input directly, encoded as specified by redirections.input_encoding_properies.
redirections.input_encoding_properies EncodingProperties object. Specifies how to write string input to the process, if not specified default system encoding is used.
redirections.output / .error If defined, the process output (or error) is redirected to the value found there. If the value is a URL the output is saved binarily at that location, if the value is a string it will be overwritten by the returned text, converted to Unicode using redirections.output_encoding_properies / .error_encoding_properties as the source encoding.
EncodingProperties object. Specifies how to read string output from the process, if not specified default system encoding is used.
exit_code int32. Filled when the process actually ends with its exit code.


Method Of

System.Process object.

Implemented In

ECMerge 2.1.76


Launches a process described by "command_line", in conditions set in "context".
The asynchronous version (with "context.asynchronous = true") returns immediately after running the process and does not wait for the process to return. A System.Process object is returned which refers to the run process. By default, the life time of the process is tied to that of the System.Process object, when the object is garbage collected the launched process is cancelled if not yet terminated.
The synchronous version calls System.Synchronization.wait ( ) internally.


Example 1.

This sample runs a list command on Unix systems and gets the results back into a string.

var context = { redirections: { output: "" } };
System.Process.launch ("ls /", context);
alert (context.redirections.output);

Example 2.

This sample runs another list command asynchronously on Unix systems, wait for its termination and gets the results back into a string.

var context = { asynchronous: true, redirections: { output: "" } };
var process = System.Process.launch ("ls /", context);
System.Synchronization.Waitable.wait (process);
alert (context.redirections.output);

See Also 

 System.Synchronization.Waitable object