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Troubleshooting uninstalling Ellié Computing Merge



Uninstalling on Windows

If an error is reported when you attempt to uninstall Ellié Computing Merge, you can follow this manual procedure:

  1. Unregister the Ellié Computing Merge Shell Extension:
    in the Start Menu, choose "Run" and type C:\Program Files\Ellié Computing\Merge\GuiMergeShellExt.dll /unregister
    If you have installed Ellié Computing Merge in another directory, you need to specify the path to GuiMergeShellExt.dll.
  2. Empty Registry keys related to Ellié Computing Merge:
    Go to the Windows Start Menu, click on Run, type 'regedit' in the command-line and press OK: this opens the Registry Editor.
    Browse to : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ellié Computing and delete the Merge entry.
    Browse to : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Ellié Computing and delete the Merge entry.
    Browse to : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ecms and delete the .ecms key.
    Browse to : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ecmt and delete the .ecmt key.
    Browse to : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ECMerge.Status and delete the ECMerge.Status key.
    Browse to : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ECMerge.Template and delete the ECMerge.Template key.
  3. Remove the directory where Ellié Computing Merge was installed (default location is C:\Program Files\Ellié Computing\Merge).
    If an error occurs when deleting GuiMergeShellExt.dll, reboot your computer or close your session to unload the library.  This error is normal, it means the dll file is currently locked by the system. You will be able to delete the file after the reboot.
  4. Remove the shortcuts from the desktop and/or the Quick Launch toolbar.
    Remove the Ellié Computing Merge folder from the Windows Start menu if it is present: browse from the Windows Start menu, then right-click on the Merge item and choose Delete.