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change quickly comparisons paths?



Use the menu Document /  Comparison/Merge /Open again... (to replace current view) or the Document /  Comparison/Merge / Open similar...(to open an additional view)

When you use these options the Open box is automatically filled with the current paths. You can modify slightly the paths or let them as is.
The comparison settings will be reset to application defaults.

You can also select another path in the source combo (or modify it directly in the text field), or use the  Browse command to select anoth path (file or folder).
In addition, the macro button 'Go up in hierarchy' of the Folders toolbar can be used to make all the sources use their parent folder (when used on a non-folder document, a new window is opened with the container folder browser or comparison).

 In a Folder Comparison, if you wish to move the base folder in one of the source toward a displayed folder in the tree view, drag and drop it with the mouse on the combo.