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Text Comparisons Reports Options



This page contains options used in report generation for Text comparisons.

Print comparison statistics/detail in XML/HTML format

You can choose to restrict the report content to the comparison summary or detail only.

Disable syntax colouring

When Ellié Computing Merge can apply syntax colouring on text file contents on screen, the same display is generated in the XML/HTML report, unless specified explicitely using this option. The same syntax colouring layout is applied to all the sources, the name of the corresponding language is written in the XML/HTML report.

Blocks of interest

You can define which kind of blocks you wish to make appear in the report (called blocks of interest), and specify a context displayed at the top and bottom of those blocks.

The default values in the Factory Settings restrain Text Comparisons reports to differences and conflicts with 3 lines of context.

Compress blocks

Ellié Computing Merge can collapse long blocks of text (when defined as block of interest) so that you get the desired lines in the report, but quite long blocks are compressed to reduce the report length.

Show number of skipped lines

If checked, each block of skipped lines will be replaced by a line containing the number of skipped lines.

See also