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Command Line Options and Switches



Note that in the following documentation we often call 'source' the left item, 'target' the right item.

Switch Description
--app-settings-file ={settings-file} Application settings file to use instead of default location
--app-settings-file-read-only Makes the settings file read-only
-c Do a diff with 3 lines of context (imply export=unixpatch)
-C | --context ={number} Context diff, with specified number of context lines
--cli (Unix only) Forces the application to behave as a console only application
On Windows, an application cannot mix console and graphical applicative interface. For this reason, there are two applications: ecmerge-cli.exe (console) and ecmerge.exe (graphical).

Takes options from default options set. If no options set is selected (--default, --factory, --options-set or --doc-settings), default options set will be used.

--doc-settings ={doc-settings-file}

Document settings template (.ecmt), used to specify comparison, sources, export options

-E | --embed Embed sub-reports, exclusive with -x (embedded reports have necessarily the same format as folder report)
--encoding0 ={encoding}

Base item should use this as the preferred encoding

--encoding1 ={encoding}

Source item should use this as the preferred encoding

--encoding2 ={encoding}

Target item should use this as the preferred encoding

-X | --export ={string} Export format, one of: none, unixpatch, xml or html
-O | --export-to ={export-file-path} Destination path for the export
-F | --force Forces creation of result file in quiet mode/sip mode, even if already existing.
--factory Takes options from factory settings, else default options set is used for command line comparison.
--flags0/1/2= {flag,flag...} A list of comma separated keyword from: no_mru, read_only and output. 'no_mru' means not to add the URL to any MRU (useful for temporary files), 'read_only' means that the content can only be read (useful as well for temporary files or files considered as input only), 'output' specifies that the given side is used for output
-H | --help Display usage info.

-w[-] | --ignore-all-space[-]

Forces to ignore spaces during comparisons (-w) or to take them into account (-w-)
-i[-] | --ignore-case[-] Forces case insensitive (-i) or sensitive (-i-) comparisons
--ignore-eol[-] Forces to ignore end of lines (--ignore-eol) or to take them into account during comparisons (--ignore-eol-)
-l | --lockedui Locks user interface for what is asked, only quit or save is available
--log-to= {log-file} Directs ECMerge to write the logs as well in the log file with given path.
-L | --language ={string} User interface language, one from: es, en, fr, de or it currently (fixes also the language used to generate reports)
--mode ={string}

Start mode, one from: view, edit, diff2, diff3, merge2 or merge3

  • view : view the file
  • edit : edit the file
  • diff2 : shows differences between two files or folders
  • diff3 : shows differences between two files or folders and a common ancestor
  • merge2 : merges two files or folders side-by-side
  • merge3 : merges two files or folders with a common ancestor

When three-way is selected, the ancestor is always shown by default, you can nonetheless hide it with the following script:
--script-text="if (current_frame) execute_macro('view_toggle_ancestor_visibility')"

-N | --no= {keyword1[,...]} Tells to answer No to all the pre-defined questions cited in the value (such as " --no=fm-rm-file,fm-rm-folder" to disable all deletion operations).
See the keywords in Questions/Answers string.
--normal Normal diff, without context
-- open-conflict Opens a conflict document as would do the Open Conflict menu using single file name as conflict file to solve. This option is incompatible with --mode, --encoding0/1/2 and --flags0/1/2.
--options-set ={string} Takes options from named options set, else default options set is used for command line comparison.
--pdl-script ={script-file} URL to a script to execute after loading initial document but before initializing UI and realizing export or merge operation
--pdl-script-text ={string} Script body to be executed just after  pdl-script, usually a function call
--prompt When an action needs additional parameters, prompt the user. By default, prompt is disabled and the default will occur (generally skipping the action)
-q | --quiet Silent, for merges only, if a conflict is detected, returns exit code 1, if merged OK, exit code 0, other codes are errors
-R | --recursive Makes operation recursive
-T | --report-title ={string} Title of the report
--sip Silent if possible, for merges, show interface only if a conflict is detected, if merged OK, exit code 0, other codes are errors. See this How To, " merge silently if there is no error or conflict?"
--scope ={string} Scope for the exports. Supported values are: all or bookmarks
--script ={script-file} URL to a script to execute after loading initial document and initializing graphical UI if any
--script-text ={string} script body to be executed after script, usually a function call
--serial-number ={string} Licence key to use during the given execution. When provided, this licence is used rather than the one in the configuration file. The configuration file is not touched, therefore next execution will use either the configuration file serial or a new serial provided by --serial-number.
--stdout-encoding ={encoding} Encoding to use when text is generated to stdout
-x | --sub-export ={string} Export format, one of: unixpatch, xml or html
--threads ={number} Number of threads to use (specify 0 to force factory setting, which is the number of processors plus one)

--title0 ={string}

Base item should use this title

--title1 ={string}

Source item should use this title

--title2 ={string}

Target item should use this title

-o | --to ={string}

Destination path of the current action

--to-encoding ={encoding}

Encoding for the result item

--to-flags= {flag,flag...} Same as --flags0 , but only: no_mru is possible here (as 'output' is implied and 'read_only' is forbidden)

--to-title ={string}

Title for the result item

-u Do a diff with 3 lines of unified context (imply export=unixpatch )
-U | --unified ={number} Unified diff, with specified number of unified context lines
--version Display version info.
--watch-merge Forces Ellié Computing Merge to always compute its program return code from the merge of the initial document (0 if totally merged, i.e., executing a merge operation would not do anything and would signal no error, 1 else)
-S | --xsl ={xsl-file} When using post-processed XML output, specifies the XSL stylesheet to use
-Y | --yes={ keyword1[,...]} Tells to answer Yes to all the pre-defined questions cited in the value (such as " --yes=fm-unlock-item" to let items be unlocked without prompt).
See the keywords in Questions/Answers string.