This dialog can be displayed from the
View menu, it then shows the statistics for the
whole document (note that it will finish the comparison before
returning if it is not yet finished, for folders in
particular). You can also get this dialog box in Folders
view with the right-click menu, in this case the
statistics concerns only the selected items.
Statistics for Folder Comparisons
The global statistics for Folder Comparison show the number
of files for each status (unchanged, added, removed, changed)
and for each couple of sources. "Changed files"
category contains several data, one per handled file
type, and one global. In
Merge mode, this paragraph also contains the
number of files to be merged manually, ie for which default
rules cannot help in computing the result.
The sum "All files"
may be greater than the actual sum of the number per file type,
indeed, the files designated as different by metadata-based
rules (size, date...) are not open and their type is not
determined in order to accelerate the differentiation
files data are not displayed because Ellié Computing Merge
does not store it. Counting files in ignored folders would
require to list their content, the software does not take this
type of files into account, so as not to loose time doing such
an operation.
Statistics for Text Comparisons
The Text Comparisons statistics contain 2 tables: one
describing all the changes, one describing the changes involved
in the conflicting areas (only in
Merge mode). These tables show the number
of blocks and lines of text for each status (unchanged, added,
removed, changed, ignored) and for each couple of sources.
Statistics for Binary Comparisons
The Binary Comparisons statistics show the number of blocks
and bytes of data for each status (unchanged, added, removed,
changed, ignored) and for each couple of sources.
Statistics for Image Comparisons
The Image Comparisons statistics show the number of pixels
for each status (unchanged, similar, changed) and for each
couple of sources. It also presents the differences in
image dimensions.
You can
save the Comparison Statistics tables as a
basic HTML file.
You can get the same
Comparison Statistics, with a better display by generating HTML
reports. If you only wish to have the statistics of the
comparison, you can omit the "details" sections in the Text and
Folders reports options.