Find dialog box
This dialog box appears when you type Ctrl+F, press the button when available in the toolbar or open the Edit / Find... menu. It enables you to find a an expression in a text document, or to find a file in a folder hierarchy, by its name. Reuse one of the last 16 searched strings by selecting it
from the
Find drop-down list, or type a new string or
expression to find in the
Find field and click on the
Find button to move the cursor on the next
occurrence of the string.
Check the
Match whole word box to match the specified
string only if the string is a whole word, not just part of a
word. Check the
Match case box match the uppercase and
lowercase characters you enter in the
Find field.
Search up specifies whether the search
continues up or down.
You can use the following items to reduce the searched sections in the document:
Mark All adds a bookmark in the margin in front of each line that contains a match for the text entered in the Find field. In a Folder Comparison document:
In a Binary Comparison document, you can find either a basic text string or binary data using escaped sequences. For example, you can enter ' code' or ' \x63\x6F\x64\x65'. There is no specific text entry mode for Unicode 16 bits or 32 bits, you have to enter it using escapes (e.g. T\0\0\0 for a 'T' in UTF32 Little Endian). When using the anti-slash notation, remember to check the Regular expression checkbox as this is indeed part of the regular expression syntax. The Replace >> button transforms the dialog into the Replace dialog box. Press F1 or click on the Help button while in this dialog box will show this topic. See also |